Saturday, November 15, 2008

Everything in our household is currently running smoothly, oddly enough!
I'm so used to the chaos!

It really is such a blessing to have John back, I missed him a lot during our divorce. I'm currently engaged to him, again, and we will be marrying soon. Fingers crossed!

Our daughter Angelica, is of course, very smart though... She brought up the question of why John cheated on me.

It was an uncomfortable talk, to say the very least, but I was relieved when she soon started requesting permission (again) to wear eyeliner.
"But mooom, all the cool kids wear it!"
"No, sweetheart, lip gloss and chapstick only."
That's how most of our conversations go about makeup.

John loves making new recipes in his spare time. Here his making his cinna-pancakes.

I got promoted today as a Battle of the Bands judge, which is great. I'm one step closer to being eligible for city council!

Angelica saw a gypsy drop off a dusty Arabian lamp on her way home from school today, I wonder if I should call the cops? The same thing happened to our neighbors: the Glendales...

On the night of Avery James' birthday, we had an...interesting house guest to say the very least. I don't think I'll ever get those macaroni stains off my work suit!
....Or out of my hair. Eeeyuck!

But tonight was still special, happy first birthday, Avery James!

Isn't he a cutie? Especially with those dumbo ears! Ooh, I wish he could stay one forever...

Angelica is my little ballerina, spending night and day practicing on the ballet bar. What can I say? She's just like her mother!

Angelica is also at the age where she's interested in boys...uh-oh.
I guess we have to have the talk soon?
Naah, I'll let her be a kid for a little bit longer.

Well, goodnight journal. I'm so tired...
I'll just end this with the cute pic of Avery eating cat food!
Wait....John! Can you research and make sure they don't put raw meat or fish in canned cat foods?

Oh Jeez.....