Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hey, Aerigold Cruikshank (now Zhang, eep!) here filling you in on this whirlwind of a family.
I was previously divorced three times from very wealthy men. I got called the town gold-digger and really; that's all I was.
Until I met this man.
He really swept me off my feet, I moved in before getting engaged/married to see how my son, Eric Destry, would get along with Aeio. They got along rather well, which made me exceedingly happy.

Eric Destry turned one, isn't he a beaut? I mean, just look at him! He looks exactly like his father...

See the shocking resemblance?
Ah, yes I also forgot to mention I managed to stay BFF"s with all my exes, so they visit a lot. Especially Destry. Which is good, he needs to spend time bonding with his son!

Immediately after Eric's birthday, Aeio proposed! I totally wasn't expecting it! I was so shocked, I bursted into tears. Finally, I'm marrying someone I actually love.
The wedding ceremony was nonexistent; instead we had a quickie wedding here at our
Far East-styled mansion.

I quickly grew pregnant with what my doctor said was a boy. We thought up boy names, furnished the nursery accordingly, everything!

Man, does time fly past! Eric Destry is already turning five! I can't believe four years have already past. Can you?

Eric grew up as a looker (woo, shocker!) and found out he had a love for tinkering. How cute!

A day after Eric turned five, I went into labor. That isn't the shocking part. Wait for it...

It was a baby GIRL! A beautiful, healthy baby girl! Aeio and I couldn'tve been more overjoyed! We named her Amber Jade, mainly because I was looking to go on a Far East vaca with Aeio, and I saw the colors amber and jade for the site. Well, it fits, doesn't it?
We'll have to wait to go on that Far East vacation, but that's even better. Amber Jade will be able to see a brand new part of her culture....