Saturday, November 15, 2008

Brooklynne and Juan Corsillo's Journal

Hey, it's Brooklynne, typing out our new chapter.
Juan and I found this awesome surburban home next to my sister. Now she can watch the dog while Juan and I are working!

The price was....a little steep for our bank: five thousand simoleans. But it will be worth it for our children.

What, I didn't tell you? Juan and I are expecting!
Exciting, isn't it?
I've gone through catalogs pre-ordering the bassinets and everything.
Nine months is just too long!

I played some soccer with my hubby and my stubborn hair reverted to its old ways.
I kind of like it, actually. Guess I'm done with that flat iron!

My puppy Melody has grown into a beautiful doggy!
She kind of reminds me of a bull/chihuahua mix, isn't that strange?

Well, I can't complain- I'm so happy with Juan it's a bit overwhelming.
Mom never thought I would be the one to turn all girly and motherly...
While I do agree with the girly part (I was-and still aren't one to wear frills) I've really found my nurturing side with Juan. I watch over him like a hawk, poor thing!

We admit it: we're terrible cooks. We burn water for Pete's sake!
Or apparently, only I do; because Juan's grilled cheeses are the best I've ever tasted.
Ssh! Don't tell him that though! Otherwise, he'll get a head the size of Goliath!

Despite his tendency to get a weee bit big-headed, he's an awesome husband and I can tell he'll be a great father.

Being the sports nuts we are, Juan and I discovered a way for me to work out my prenatal hormones: soccer!
It's a good way to get out aggression, actually. I think I've been a bit too hard on him though...
Eh, he's still a sweetie!
Everything just seems so perfect right now!
...A little too perfect if you ask me...
*Sigh* I guess it was coming, wasn't it?
I just hope the baby's okay!

I called the doctor, and he claimed as long as I'm alive, rest assured the baby is too.
Thank goodness!

I've most definitely gotten bigger. I never though my stomach could be so huge!

I sat in the nursery, waiting to go into labor.
I dreamt about my baby, and holding it tight.

I went into labor on my way to work; I walk instead of driving or carpooling.

I called Juan and the hospital while quickly changing my clothes.
Here we are, just back from the hospital!

We had twins Micheal and Trinity Corsillo!
Can you believe it?

In all this excitement; I just had to invite my family over.
I hugged Alexandra Marie like I haven't seen her in a year. She's so happy to be an aunt!

I just love the bassinets I picked out, it's so beautiful..

Teehee...Myarettah was always maternal: she got that from me.
But no amount of my teachings could prepare my baby sis for twins! I would know; I wasn't prepared myself!
Ciao for now, diary!